Our Joint District Conference is just around the corner. I would like to see you, your partner/spouse, your friends and family members attend the conference in person. If you have a conflict attending the full conference, we have offered options for Friday banquet or Saturday banquet. Come and support your club, make an impact participating in hands-on service projects, learn Rotary beyond your club, show appreciation for our sponsors, enjoy fellowship, entertain and have fun. The District Conference Committee has been hard at work and we are ready to welcome you and wow you in Charlotte! Come down to Le Meridien in Uptown Charlotte on Friday afternoon! Register now at https://rotary7680.org/districtconference.
On March 9th, I visited my home club, The Rotary Club of Lake Norman-Huntersville. This was my last DG visit of the year. I am grateful to all 55 clubs for the opportunity to speak, connect with club members, learn about your projects and be inspired by the impact you make locally and globally. I want to thank all the members of District 7680 for giving me a year I will always reflect on with pride.
As I shared in my video message, the next 100 days, please continue to focus on growing your club. This is a great time to invite new members, host Discover Rotary events and make it an engaging club environment for everyone. I encourage you to consider giving atleast $25 to the Annual Share fund. Imagine if every member in our District shared their abundance, we would make a difference in so many lives around the world and in our own communities. The Rotary Foundation is the engine of Rotary, Membership is the engine of your Club.
Rotary International’s monthly theme for April is Maternal and Child Health! Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live full and empowered lives. We expand access to quality care, so mothers and children everywhere can have the same opportunities for a healthy future. An estimated 5.9 million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, inadequate health care, and poor sanitation — all of which can be prevented. To help reduce this rate, Rotary provides immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improves access to essential medical services, and supports trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Rotary’s projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs. Maternal and Child Health Care is also recognized as one of Rotary’s Seven Areas of Focus.
Every day, I am honored to serve you, serve with you. Let’s continue to Imagine, act to serve and make an impact.
Yours in Rotary,
Kam Chandan

Upcoming Events
District Oriented
Clubs Oriented
Zone, National, and International Oriented

MAY 5-7, 2023 – Joint District Conference

Every week we will spotlight members across the District who make a difference in our communities. Please like and share the Reels on District 7680 Facebook or Instagram page. Show these Reels at your club meetings. Thanks to all the volunteers for participating!
Imagine what YOU can do as a Rotary member!
Jerry Bumbaugh, Rotary Club of Shelby | Jerry Coughter – Rotary Club of Charlotte, Kevin Kendrick – Rotary Club of Charlotte Dilworth South End and Joan Foley – Rotary Club of Charlotte International |
Cathy Young, Rotary Club of Gastonia | Dr. Jim Duncan, Rotary Club of Rowan County |
Keith Adams, Rotary Club of Monroe | Kayla Stafford, Rotary Club of Concord-Afton Sunset |
Dr. Katrina Chance, Rotary Club of Rockingham | Jan Goetz, Rotary Club of Albemarle |
Jenny Richardson – Rotary Club of North Wilkesboro |

Since July, I have enjoyed one-one conversations with members who recently joined Rotary. If you have 30 minutes to get on a Zoom call or meet in person, please book time here. Look forward to connect with you. Thank you!

As you are probably aware, our Friendship Exchange District 2430 in Turkey has suffered a catastrophic earthquake. We have been in touch with our Rotary friends, and they and their families are safe. However, all know friends and neighbors who are not as fortunate.
The Turkish Rotary District 2430 has initiated a Rotary Global Grant that will fund at least two mobile kitchen and classroom units to be used in the impacted areas of Turkey and, if possible, in Syria too. These are modern, classroom size, tractor-trailer units that are currently being constructed in Turkey. They will be made available to NGO’s in the area and the entire operation will be supervised by our Rotarian colleagues. Please watch the video for more information: https://vimeo.com/802721136
We are available to give your club a program on the Friendship Exchange Program and include updates on the Turkish Relief Efforts that are currently underway. If interested, email me and let me know. Time is critical on the Grant!!
Also, many have already donated toward this Global Grant for Turkish Relief. Rotary Club of Huntersville Happy Hour, a 501c3 club, will be the international partner with Rotary Clubs in Gaziantep leading the rebuilding effort in the Gaziantep region, the heart of the Epicenter, with a Global Grant.
We hope your club can participate or if members of your club want to help. Remember that the District and the Foundations add to your donations, to increase the impact of your contributions.
Tax deductible donations can be made online or send a check made out to the Rotary Club of Huntersville Happy Hour (501.C.3), 17015 Bridgeton Lane, Huntersville, North Carolina 28078. You will receive an acknowledgement of ALL donations.
My ask is that ALL 53 clubs in the district participate with at least $100 in this Global Relief Effort.
18 Rotary Clubs or their members have given so far:
$ 100 Ballantyne | $ 100 China Grove | $ 100 Monroe Union Breakfast |
$ 250 Cabarrus County | $ 250 Gastonia | $ 100 Mooresville |
$ 50 Charlotte | $ 100 Global Impact | $ 250 Mooresville LKN |
$ 750 Charlotte Dilworth | $ 650 Huntersville Happy Hour | $ 100 Mount Holly |
$ 100 Charlotte Southpark | $1,000 Lake Norman Huntersville | $ 200 North Mecklenburg |
$ 100 Charlotte South | $ 600 Meck South | $ 50 South West Cabarrus |
$ 1,000 District 7680 Women in Rotary | $ 200 Non-members |
Thank you in advance for what you have done for Rotary and what you will do for Rotary. If you have further questions, please reach out to PDG Ineke Wilson, District Friendship Exchange Chair.

Rotarians know that giving $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) makes them a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). What most do not know is that if every member in their club is a PHF, TRF sends a recognition flag to that club.
How does a club accomplish that when some members cannot give $1,000? The answer is Rotary Foundation Recognition Points matching points that D7680 can transfer to another member to fulfill the $1,000 value. Your club’s Foundation Chair can use the Club Recognition Summary Report on TRF’s website to find this information.
Achieving 100% PHF provides great pride for the club. The best things we do in Rotary are when the entire membership of a club has 100% participation.

Rotary District 7680 is making a special offer
From now through June 15th, 2023 your personal contribution of $100-$1,000 to the Annual Fund and/or Polio Plus Fund of The Rotary Foundation will be matched with Foundation Recognition Points to become a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. For example, your personal gift of $500 will be matched with 500 points for a total value of $1,000 to achieve designation as a Paul Harris Fellow. Clubs can use this opportunity to become 100% PHF club. Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in participating.

Rotary District 7680 was the first-ever district to create an district-based endowment fund (E11382) with The Rotary Foundation to financially support a specific Rotary Peace Center? The Duke / UNC-CH Peace Center is one of the original Rotary Peace Centers, and this year is celebrating 20 years. When the current class graduates, the Duke / UNC-CH Rotary Peace Center will have graduated 177 Peace Fellows!
Through the district endowment, we financially support Peace Fellows from around the world studying at the only Rotary Peace Center in the Americas. we are matched by RI with a specific Peace Fellow and have the opportunity to establish a more personal connection. Our district’s first sponsored Peace Fellow, Peter Adeyeye, from Nigeria, graduated in 2021.
How did it start? PDG Bill Wilson imagined and challenged our district to create an endowment during a district conference panel on Peace Fellows, and it grew from there. PDG Tom Smith and his family also provided significant support, as well as some of our district’s AKS members and Major Donors. We still have room to grow, and every gift matters. Our endowment at our current level of over $500,000 means that we are matched with a new Peace Fellow every 4th year. As our endowment grows, we’ll be matched with a new Peace Fellow every 3 years, then every 2 years, and finally every year in perpetuity. What a way to “Imagine” & “Create Hope in the World”!
Our district is also proud to have two Peace Fellows from within our own district. Bol Maywal graduated from the Master’s Degree Peace Fellowship program at University of Bradford (England). Patricia Shafer completed the Professional Development Certificate Peace Fellowship at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok (Thailand). Districts interview and endorse (recommend) as many Peace Fellow candidates as they believe to be qualified, and the selection process is very competitive. The district endorsing a Peace Fellow candidate is not responsible for their financial support, which is provided by The Rotary Foundation from special endowed funds and general gifts supporting the Peace Centers. Peace Fellows are required to study at a Center in a country other than their own (except in some cases for the Professional Certificate programs). If you know of someone who may be a Peace Fellow, please contact Henry Lyon

It’s that time of year again! SFTL 2023 is right around the corner and we don’t want you to miss it! APPLY TODAY to be part of an unforgettable leadership experience.😊 Application Link: https://tinyurl.com/SFTL2023. Unsure of where to find your local Rotary club? You can search them here: https://tinyurl.com/district7680clubs

Global Grant # | Partner District | DDF Committment | Short Description |
GG2344675 | D2430 | $3,000 | Incubators |
GG2343501 | D1600 and D9350 | $2,650 | Basic Literacy and Numeracy Education |
GG2345969 | D2430 | $7,500 | Monitoring Sea Turtles |
GG2346368 | D4895 | $5,000 | All For the Pink Tie |
GG2341059 | Multi District | $2,000 | Ghana clean water project match with Union West Rotary |
TBD | D3292 | $5,000 | Building Positive Peace in Nepal |
GG2347627 | D3131 | $5,000 | Happy school – (Anandi shala) – Pune |
TBD | D3201 | $5,000 | Sastra – Rotary Aid for Spinal Treatment and Rehabilitation |
GG2343143 | D5960 | $5,000 | Sustainable Cambodia |

What is needed in the world today?
The question I asked the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in my computer and here are the answers I got. They are exactly in alignment with the Areas of Focus of Rotary and the Pillars of Positive Peace.
- Peace and conflict resolution: Conflicts and wars are still prevalent in many parts of the world, causing immense suffering for millions of people. Promoting peace and conflict resolution through diplomacy, mediation, and nonviolent communication is necessary to create a more peaceful and harmonious world.
- Mental and emotional well-being: The pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental and emotional well-being, as people around the world struggle with stress, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, there is a need for greater awareness and resources to promote mental and emotional health, including access to therapy and support services.
- Global cooperation and solidarity: Many of the world’s challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and pandemics, require international collaboration and shared responsibility. Therefore, there is a need for greater global cooperation and solidarity among nations and individuals.
- Social and economic equality: The world is still facing significant inequalities in income, education, and access to healthcare, among other things. Addressing these disparities through and initiatives that promote social and economic equality is crucial to create a fairer and more just society.
- Environmental protection and sustainability: The world is facing an environmental crisis, with climate change, pollution, and the loss of biodiversity threatening the planet’s ecosystems and the well-being of its inhabitants. Therefore, there is a need for greater efforts to protect the environment and promote sustainability.
As you can see Peace and Conflict Resolution is one of the top priorities in the world today for us to deal with and make this world a better place. The Rotary Peace Fellowship program, and the Peace districts and Peacebuilder clubs around the world are working diligently to spread Peace, Equality, Solidarity, and Understanding.
Remember that applications are available for any young person you know who is interested in Peacebuilding and conflict prevention and resolution. Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,600 fellows who now work in over 140 countries. Many serve as leaders in governments; NGOs; education and research institutions; peacekeeping and law enforcement agencies; and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank.
Encourage young people in your community to apply for this great and unique program and let your club sponsor a minimum of one candidate.
Facebook page for Peace centers: https://www.facebook.com/Rotarypeacecenters/
Link for master’s degree program: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/peace-fellowships-masters-degree-programs
Assaad Mounzer, M.D., MA, PCC

D7680 members attended The 20th Annual Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Conference on April 1st. Watch our Class 20 Fellows present on topics in peace, development and conflict transformation presentations at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0PAUeUIIEc&ab_channel=SusanCarroll

May 4th In-person Rotary Leadership Institute Event
This year’s Joint 7680/7690 District Conference will also feature an in-person RLI event the day before on Thursday May 4 at the Le Meridian Hotel in Charlotte, the same location as the district conference. All three parts (1, 2, & 3) will be offered on that day.
However, any Rotary member who only needs Part 3 to graduate from RLI is eligible for a special offer from District Governor Kam Chandan. Any member who registers and completes Part 3 at that time will have 50% of their registration refunded by the District. Graduates will be honored at the Joint District Conference. Here is a direct link to register for this event:
NEED TO TAKE PART 2 BUT WISH TO COMPLETE PART 3 ON MAY 4TH? There are several opportunities for you to take Part 2 around the Mid-Atlantic Region and be ready to take Part 3 on May 4th and take advantage of the above opportunity. It will also broaden your experiences by giving you the opportunity to meet Rotary members from other clubs and districts around our region. Here are all the upcoming RLI events around the region:
March 25 – Virginia Beach;
April 14 – Jacksonville NC;
April 21 and 22 – Bethesda, MD;
April 22 – Winterville NC
You can register for any of these events on the RLI website (https://midatlanticrli.org) All events are listed in the right hand navigation bar.
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) awards 7680 Rotary Members
In the past month, four Rotary members in District 7680 have graduated from RLI receiving their certificates and pins honoring their completing all three parts of the Rotary Leadership Institute training program. While these individuals completed their RLI training virtually, they were awarded with their pins and certificates in person at their club meetings.
District Governor Elect Debb Corbett presented President Elect Les Davis with his certificate and pin with Mid-Atlantic RLI Chair Marcia Scheideman looking on. The following week Sharon Padgett received her graduation pin and certificate from RLI Chair Marcia. Both Sharon and Les are Rotary members of the Rotary Club of Gastonia.
On Friday March 3rd, RLI Chair Marcia Scheideman made a surprise visit to the Charlotte Dilworth South Rotary Club to award President Jenny Kendrick and District Governor Nominee Kevin Kendrick with their graduation pins and certificates. Congratulations to all the RLI Graduates of District 7680.

New to Rotary or want to know more – This is for you! You are part of a group whose impact reaches around the world through local community service by our 1.4 million members in 200+ countries. Join us for “Rotary 101” a virtual tour of Rotary and Rotarians that will inspire you to engage even more in the Rotary community. Wednesday August 24 was the kickoff for ROTARY 101, an online program designed for new and potential members of Rotary.
April 6, 2023 @ 7pm
May 11, 2023 @ 7pm
June 7, 2023 @ 7pm
Questions: Contact Marcia Scheideman ([email protected]) or Lorena Prince ([email protected]) for any questions you might have. Looking forward to seeing you virtually!

What is Rotary Meets Rotaract event?
The core idea is to bring together Rotary and Rotaract members to get to know each other. This project would be a great way for Rotary and Rotaract members from around the world to build connections and friendships with people from different clubs.
There are many ways:
– Invite each other club to the weekly club meeting
– Make a joint project between two clubs
– Make a networking event with members from more than one Rotary and Rotaract club
– If you don`t have a Rotaract club in your city then meet up with other Rotary clubs and work on creating a new Rotaract club
”Together we are stronger” – each generation has its advantages and by cooperating between the generations we can achieve even more in charity projects we all love. Also, Elevate Rotaract has given a chance for Rotaract members to have dual membership, both, Rotaract and Rotary clubs. This is a great opportunity to bridge the gap and involve Rotaract members in Rotary.Focus is for Rotary and Rotaract members to meet, how you are doing it, is entirely up to you. At the end – For all these reasons, we are inviting you to emphasize the Rotary and Rotaract partnership during the dedicated Rotaract week by organizing a friendship gathering which will last for decades in your heart and works. Let’s show how much we are all proud to be members of an Intergenerational Organization – the Rotary International! Please fill in the Google form so we can track how many Rotary/Rotaract clubs participate in this project and we can keep in touch with you for pictures after the meetups.

Sage Stream’s 16-Week Bundle of Entertainment has partnered with CART to conduct a fundraiser. The bundle of shows costs $100. For every $100 purchase, $25 will be donated back to CART. You can achieve two goals at once. Support the CART fund, then gift the 16-Show bundle to someone deserving – a caregiver, an older person you know, etc – you get the idea. Scan the QR code or go here to purchase: https://tinyurl.com/7680cartfundraiser
All clubs are asked to submit their CART contributions. Contributions made on March 1, 2023 or after will be included in CART grants to be made in 2024.
If you haven’t yet become a member of the Roger Ackerman Circle, our newly-named group of recurring donors in memory of our founder, don’t forget you can sign up to do that at mycartfund.org also! Our goal is to get the first 100 donors in 100 days, and we are pleased to announce we are currently at 70! Will you help us by committing to a minimum of $5 per month (or $15 per quarter or $60 per year)? We would love to recognize you with a special edition lapel pin to say THANK YOU!

Polio Plus Society entails signing the commitment form and donating at least $100 this Rotary year and each year until the job is done. All clubs and members should give something to the effort. Let’s get it done.

During World Immunization Week, 24-30 April, join us in advocating for polio eradication and the importance of vaccines.
As one of the greatest advances of modern medicine, vaccines are safe, effective, and save millions of lives each year. Our progress in the fight to end polio is proof that vaccines work.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative estimates that the polio vaccine has saved more than 20 million children around the world from paralysis. However, approximately 12.5 million children are totally unvaccinated. They are known as zero-dose children, and vaccinating them is critical to stopping polio for good.
We need to continue vaccinating the world’s children against polio, because polio anywhere is a threat everywhere.
Here’s how you can support Rotary’s efforts during World Immunization Week:
Use the World Immunization Week Toolkit for graphics and sample posts to share on social media with the hashtags #EndPolio and #VaccinesWork.
Download and share our video, “Zero-Dose Children.”
Donate to PolioPlus to help Rotary and our partners deliver polio vaccines to vulnerable children. Or start an online fundraiser to help us end polio using Raise for Rotary and share it with your network. Contributions will be matched 2-to-1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

“I was totally humbled and honored today to receive NC MedAssist’s Joyce Award as Volunteer of the Year. As I said in my remarks, I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to volunteer at MedAssist for the past three years in my capacity as a Rotarian. More importantly, this isn’t so much about me as it is about the ten different Rotary Clubs and our friends who have sent members there to volunteer twice a month for the past few years. I am grateful to CEO Brenda Vass for believing in us.”
A huge thanks to ALL of the Rotary clubs and Rotarians who have participated at MedAssist over the years and helped to improve the lives of people in our community and beyond

The Rotary Citation awards recognize the hard work clubs do throughout the year. Working to achieve the citation goals helps clubs engage their members, stay relevant in their communities, and run more efficiently. A welcoming and engaging club also reflects the values of Rotary. When clubs achieve citation goals, they contribute to the overall health and culture of Rotary for generations to come.
Three districts are recognized this year for having 100% of their clubs earn the citation: Districts 2820 (Japan), 3482 (Taiwan), and 7600 (Virginia, USA). To earn the citation, clubs must report achievement of 13 or more goals in Rotary Club Central by 30 June. Can you help 7680 get to 100% this year?

The District 7680 DEI Committee had a productive and busy month of March. Several of our Committee members attended the Carolina PETS session in Greensboro and all reported out at our March meeting with Ambassadors a consistent message. Cristina Capello and Les Davis attended President’s Elect training and commented on how DEI seemed to be embedded in the material presented. Laurel Morris shared that Rotary Zone Director Jeremy Hurst shared with her Assistant Governor class that DEI is being baked into Rotary for the long term. Jeremy also shared with DGN Kevin Kendrick’s class that the Rotary International DEI Task Force had been approved by the RI Board of Directors as a joint DEI Advisory Council which will advise the Rotary International Board and Trustees on the implementation of a diversity, equity and inclusion action plan. With Rotary International President Elect Gordon McInally having DEI as an initiative during his year and Rotary International President Nominee Stephanie Urchick also having it as an initiative for her year, the message from Rotary International is very clear: DEI will be a part of Rotary for the foreseeable future.

As a reminder, our District was recently approved as a chapter by the founders of “Our Stories”, an initiative created by two Rotarians in District 7710, which provides a safe setting for sharing and discussing stories about race. These safe conversations allow you to engage with people who may look differently than you and have differing life experiences. The central learning from “Our Stories” is that all these stories are important because all of our experiences have value. When we see each other’s humanity, we can bring peace to America. And peace, of course, is central to all of us as Rotarians.
If you are interested in participating in a group, please click “Apply Today” and ensure you select “Charlotte” from the locations dropdown.
Our Stories – Meet the District 7680 DEI Committee
Our Committee currently has seven full Members and about 18 Club Ambassadors. If your club does not currently have an Ambassador, please contact either of our co-Chairs, Chris or Rina Arline and get your club involved as a part of our initiative. Until then, we want you to know who we are. We hope you take a few minutes to meet our members and get to know who, and why, we are. This month, we are featuring two members.
Our Stories: Rotary Member Marty McInerney
Our Stories: Rotary Member Renee B Bethea
We hope you take a moment to visit us at this site which can be accessed on our District webpage at: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion – Rotary District 7680 (rotary7680.org)

The last picture of Rotary Club of Charlotte was taken on December 20, 1921. The black and white picture has all male (white male) members.

The first color picture was taken on March 7th, 2023. The current picture is male and female with a diverse mix of members.
Sixth Annual Global Service Awards Gala
Tuesday April 18, 2023 05:30 PM – 09:00 PM
Details – Tickets – Auction Site – Donate
Charlotte International Rotary Club (CIRC), dedicated to local action and global impact, is recognizing a Charlottean and a District Rotarian making significant contributions to Rotary International’s seven areas of focus.
Manny Ohonme is the Founder of Samaritan’s Feet whose mission is to provide shoes and socks to children in need, worldwide. Kevin Kendrick, Assistant District Governor, has created multiple service opportunities for District Rotarians in healthcare, nutrition, and baby care.
The Sixth Annual Fundraising Gala will present recognition awards to Manny and Kevin, illustrate their contributions, and have them discuss their work. The Gala is being hosted at Carmel Country Club and will include a reception, dinner, dessert, and the awards ceremony. During the reception, attendees may bid on Silent Auction items displayed across the room. A Live Auction, with signature travel, event, and specialty items, will be conducted after the ceremony.
Proceeds from the auctions and donations will be used to support CIRC projects. CIRC has established a relationship with a hospital in South Sudan, performing ocular surgeries, in partnership with CureBlindness.com. South Sudan is both the newest and the poorest nation in the world. Ocular surgeries not only improve the life of individual patients, but typically free up three caregivers to become income producers for their families. This particular project builds on past efforts and positions the hospital for CIRC’s future medical initiatives.
Carmel Country Club, 4735 Carmel Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226
5:30 – 6:00 – Arrival & Check-in
6:00 – Reception Begins
Black Tie or Business Attire

District Governor, Kam Chandan, Rotary District 7680 met with our newly formed Career Academy Technical School (CATS) Interact Club on Thursday, March 23, 2023 as they celebrated becoming an official club. Governor Chandan presented President Flor Rivera and Principal, Larry E. Rogers their official club banner. Club members and sponsors, Sonja Lewis, Marlene Scott and Amy Commer look on as Governor Chandan is introduced to the group and discusses upcoming activities. President, Flor Rivera discussed setting additional goals and community activities scheduled in April: April 6, 2023-Car Wash and Bake Sale at CATS 7:00 AM-5:00 PM $15.00-$20.00 per car April 12-17, 2023-Book Collection and Sale to replenish community Libraries. At the end of the meeting, the group posed for their first official group photo.

Inclusivity on the Playground.
Acquisition of soft life skills like teamwork, cooperation, tolerance, communication, open-mindedness, and acceptance often begins on a playground. Play is a critical component of early childhood development for both able and disabled children. Inclusive play elements for children with visible and invisible disabilities expand the opportunities for these children, helping ensure their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development needs are met. Inclusivity also expands an able child’s opportunity to interact with peers with disabilities.
When John Thomasson, President of the Monroe-Union Breakfast Rotary and community volunteer on The City of Monroe Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, learned the why and how of Monroe’s goal of transforming its many accessible parks into accessible and inclusive parks brought a project to the club for consideration. He proposed the club help speed progress by purchasing inclusivity equipment for two of the City’s parks. Thomasson secured a donation from Pilgrim’s Pride (Pilgrim’s), matching funds from a District 7680 grant, and a commitment from the members to help install the equipment. The equipment purchase was coordinated with The City of Monroe Parks and Recreation Department, which guided the choice of needed equipment and where best to deploy it. City employees and club members installed one of two expression swings and the Sensory Wave Arch Transfer at Belk-Tanawanda Park and freshened the mulch under both pieces of equipment.
“At Rotary, we understand that cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture is essential to realizing our vision of a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change.” –Rotary International

Two days before Christmas in 2021 Belmont Rotarian Susan Mosk met for the first time a homeless mother and her five children who desperately needed a friend. Susan became that friend and has been the family’s advocate, advisor, confidant and supporter for the past 15 months.
Susan works as sales director at the Home2 Suites in Belmont, where the Belmont Rotary Club meets weekly. She met the family when an abuse survivor support agency paid for them to stay 30 days in the hotel. Susan engaged her Rotary friends first to donate funds for Christmas gifts for the family, later to find a suitable apartment, then to find, collect and deliver all of the furniture and other furnishings needed for six people.
With the family safely in an apartment, Susan turned her attention to helping the mother find work, connecting the family to a church which offered classes in managing family finances and other living skills. When the mother was in danger of losing her job because her car had broken down and she had no money to repair it, Susan informed her Rotary Club friends at a meeting, and more than $900 was collected in less than five minutes.
For more than a year, Susan has stayed engaged with the family on a daily basis. She has been a living embodiment of the Rotary motto to put “Service Above Self.”
The Birth of Gift of Life North Carolina
Have you heard that Clubs in D7680 are saving the lives of Children in Jamaica? Gift of Life International, is a Rotarian run program that provides Training to Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, ICU Doctors and Nurses in Pediatric Cardiac care in developing countries around the world. The program started in 1975, treating a little 5 year old girl from Uganda in St. Francis Hospital on Long Island, NY. 48 years later Gift of Life is knocking on the door of saving the lives of 50,000 children worldwide.
Gift of Life has been training in Jamaica since 2011. The program was the recipient of a $1.5 Million dollar grant to build a Cardiac center with a new Operating Room, Cath Lab and ICU. Thanks to the generosity of Rotary Clubs around the world, The Rotary Foundation, Gift of Life International, Digicell and the Shaggy Foundation. The Lake Norman Huntersville, Davidson, North Meck and Top of the Lake Mooresville Rotary Clubs got involved in 2018.
Last year we had a fundraiser in April to provide a Vocational Training Team (VTT) Global Grant in conjunction with Gift of Life International and Chain of Hope UK. The grant raised $95,000 from our district and the remainder of the $150,000 was raised by Gift of Life International. This grant has provided 4 training missions to Jamaica this Rotary year to train the Pediatric Cardiac Team at Bustamante Children’s Hospital in Kingston. These missions saved the lives of 40 children. Since the administration of this grant was done so well, we are able to add an additional Catherization Mission on March 20th to the 24th. I am putting out an open invitation to anyone that wants to see the program in action. There are 6 spots available for any Rotarian to go.
The four clubs are asking for the support of any or all the clubs in the district to join in with us again this year. If your club would like to be part of an International project here is your chance. We are planning a Fundraiser for April 21st at North Stone Country Club to support a New VTT Global Grant for additional missions in Jamaica. More information to come, watch for a District E-Blast.
Gift of Life International is made up of 80+ Gift of Life Chapters around the world. These chapters are run by Rotary Clubs or Rotary Districts. We are working with The Rotary District in Raleigh to start the “New” Gift of Life North Carolina. We invite all the clubs in the district to join in for this worthy cause. If I have peeked your interest check out Gift of Life International’s website at Giftoflifeinternational.org. You can contact me at [email protected].
I hope you enjoy the pictures – https://youtu.be/WOQQ5hvPN_s
PDG George Solomon
Global Grants Chair D7680

Submit your articles, stories and upcoming events about your Club projects. These will be showcased in our district monthly newsletter. Submissions are due by 25th of the month – https://tinyurl.com/7680districtnewsletter

Offer people who have fled the war a stable environment
Rotary has been collaborating with our partners and other organizations to meet humanitarian needs in and around Ukraine. Clubs have been providing food, water, medical equipment, and other supplies. What people who have fled their homes need most is safety — and Rotary members have been instrumental in finding them shelter. But people still need help. That’s where Rotary members in the U.S. can get more involved. Rotary is collaborating with Welcome.US, an organization working to engage more Americans in welcoming newcomers, with a focus on sponsoring refugees. Through Uniting for Ukraine, Rotary and Rotaract clubs and members in the U.S. can sponsor a person or a family that has fled the war and help them relocate to the United States.
To sponsor a Ukrainian refugee family and offer them a stable environment:
- Sign up to get connected to a Ukrainian family.
- Use district grant funds to help with resettlement costs.
- If you have more questions, write to [email protected].
- Learn more about the Rotary-Welcome.US collaboration.
- Find resources and answers to some common questions.
The Rotary Foundation has established two temporary funds to help people in Pakistan and Ukraine
As a global humanitarian organization, Rotary continually takes action to help communities in need. Because you are a dedicated leader in Rotary, we want you to be among the first to know that The Rotary Foundation has established two temporary funds to support immediate relief efforts in Pakistan and Ukraine. In Pakistan, a severe monsoon season has caused devastating floods and affected millions of people. In Ukraine, the ongoing war has led to a continued humanitarian crisis. We’ll begin fundraising efforts soon to finance disaster response grants from these funds.
The Pakistan Flood Response Fund will help communities recover from the disaster that displaced people and destroyed crops. It will accept contributions, including District Designated Funds, until 31 December 2023 and distribute grants until 30 June 2024 or until the funds are spent. Any unused money will be transferred to the general Disaster Response Fund.
The Ukraine Response Fund will also accept contributions, including District Designated Funds, to support grants for districts affected by the war. It will operate on the same schedule as the Pakistan fund, accepting donations until 31 December 2023 and awarding grants until 30 June 2024 or until the money is spent. Any unused funds will also be transferred to the Disaster Response Fund.
Districts affected by the flooding in Pakistan or the war in Ukraine can apply for grants from the relevant fund to provide items such as water, food, medicine, shelter, and clothing. To learn more and help these communities, you and your members can:
Donate to the Pakistan Flood Response Fund or the Ukraine Response Fund
Contribute your District Designated Funds
Learn more about both funds and how to apply for disaster response grants
Fundraise among your colleagues, friends, and family using Raise for Rotary
We appreciate your assistance in supporting Rotary member-led projects to help these communities recover.

How clubs can make a bigger difference by working with Rotary Community Corps, district resource networks, Rotary Action Groups, and Rotary’s partners?

Membership Action Plan (MAP)
“Bite-Sized” webinars, every month on the second Monday at 6 pm ET
April 10th at 6 pm
Member Care
The target audience is club leaders, Presidents, Assistant Governors, Presidents-Elect, Membership Chairs, and anyone else who has an interest in the long-term viability and vitality of their Rotary club. All District leaders are also encouraged to attend.
The MAP Page on the Zone website has past recordings, registration links for upcoming events, and a library of membership collateral: RIZones33-34.org/membership-action-plan
What is the MAP?
It’s a unified, multi-year membership growth initiative spanning Rotary Zones 33 and 34 — 1,700 clubs and 66,000 Rotarians from Pennsylvania to Florida, then extending through the Caribbean to the coast of South America.
In search of a strategy to mitigate membership decline and get our clubs on a path of consistent, moderate growth, RI Director Jeremy Hurst launched a task force in January of 2022.
This group of District and Zone leaders has developed a set of “Bite-Sized”? webinars (1 hour or less), delivered once a month, that are 100% actionable by the clubs. No concepts. No theory. No figuring out how. Everything is there. Strategies that are GUARANTEED to work (they’ve worked for hundreds of clubs), together with recipes, templates, slides, videos, worksheets and scripts. There’s also an awards program that will recognize both clubs and districts for their participation and achievements.
How can YOU help?
Embrace, publicize and promote participation of all your club leaders in these monthly events. Yes, they are being recorded, and, yes, all the material presented is downloadable from the MAP Page on the Zone Website: RIZones33-34.org/membership-action-plan.

Here are seven reasons you’ll want to attend the 2023 Rotary International Convention in Melbourne.
1. You’ll (re)connect with the Rotary family.
The last Rotary International Convention, in Houston, was proof there’s nothing like connecting face to face. But for many Rotary members in the Asia-Pacific region, where COVID-19 restrictions complicated travel plans, Melbourne will be their first in-person convention in four years. With five districts (representing more than 250 Rotary and Rotaract clubs) across the state of Victoria hosting the event, it’s sure to be a big reunion.
2. You’ll explore the world — all in one place.
The convention is the best way to appreciate Rotary’s global scale and reach, says Rebecca Fry, founding chair of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) Oceania and charter president of the Rotary Club of Social Impact Network, New South Wales. “The House of Friendship is a true festival of Rotary, showcasing our organization’s fellowships, action groups, and community projects from around the world.”
3. You’ll discover cities within a city.
The coastal metropolis is known as the Australian capital of culture, food, sports, architecture, and theater. It’s also a shopping mecca.
Mary Barry, chair of the Host Organization Committee, proudly notes Melbourne’s regular recognition as one of the world’s most livable cities. It is a family friendly place where visitors will feel instantly welcomed and at ease. “The city looks after its tourists with excellent public transport to unique attractions,” says Roslyn Teirney, an assistant Rotary public image coordinator for Zone 8 and a member of the Rotary Club of North Hobart, Tasmania.
4. You’ll be inspired.
Rotary conventions are all about an exchange of ideas. And each year’s gathering brings you big name speakers to inspire, connect, and spur solutions to the world’s toughest challenges. Just look at the list of some past speakers: Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Princess Anne of the United Kingdom. “While still early to announce 2023 program highlights, be assured only outstanding international speakers will take part,” says HOC Chair Barry.
5. You’ll get your kangaroo fix.
Experience quintessential Australia with a visit to the Melbourne Zoo for a close-up and safe encounter with some of the world’s most unusual, cute, and dangerous species — kangaroos, koalas, snakes, spiders, crocodiles, wombats, and platypuses. Just 13 miles northeast of Melbourne’s central business district, the Gresswell Forest nature reserve provides spectacular sightings of eastern gray kangaroos, says Jennifer Scott, a past district governor and member of the Rotary Club of Central Blue Mountains.
Need more cuteness? Head to Phillip Island, 75 miles southeast of Melbourne, and check out the largest colony of little penguins in the world.
6. You’ll feel energized.
Looking for a place to hang out with all your new Rotary friends once the day is over? Melbourne has endless options. Laura Telford, chair of the Rotaract Australia multidistrict information organization and member of the Rotaract Club of Canberra, describes Melbourne as another of the famous cities that “never sleep.”
“Visitors will enjoy jumping on one of more than 475 trams that cover 250 kilometers [155 miles] of track to take you to every corner of this exciting city.”
7. You’ll want to see more of Australia.
While the distance can be a challenge in traveling to Melbourne, visitors may fly in to Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, or Perth to make the most of a unique travel opportunity by seeing other parts of Australia. “The Great Barrier Reef, Uluru and the Red Centre, our tropical north, and the rugged coast of Western Australia all present memorable sightseeing experiences,” Scott says.

Do you have QUESTIONS?
Call PDG Bob Wilson, 7680 Melbourne Convention Promotion Chair