What is SFTL?
SFTL stands for Seminar for Tomorrow’s Leaders. An SFTL participant is selected by his or her local Rotary Club to attend a camp designed to build character, leadership, personal development and good citizenship. SFTL also focuses on service and Rotary’s role in building stronger communities by emphasizing local and global citizenship.

Why is SFTL for me?
SFTL stresses the fundamentals and ethics of good leadership, problem solving, team building, and the importance of positive self-confidence and self-esteem. To advance leadership skills, one must put themselves in situations that will methodically train them to be a better leader.
Specific programs and activities have been carefully chosen to do just that. In addition to the leadership activities, there are lots of fun activities and social events. Are these goals you would like to achieve for yourself?

Who is eligible?
We accept students who are incoming high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. We do not accept incoming freshmen, students who have attended SFTL previously or seniors who graduated from high school before or in June 2024. Incoming Juniors and Seniors receive preference over Sophomores.
Countdown to SFTL 2025!
The Four Way Test…of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?