Ways to find SFTL Candidates
- Provide the website address. Remind everyone that the application process is online. Share this information at your regular weekly meetings starting in November. Many Rotarians know outstanding young people within the community.
- Make a presentation to Interact club members.
- Make a presentation to the current juniors at your school(s). Use the SFTL 2023 video on the website and/or a PowerPoint Presentation to explain SFTL.
- Use your Alumni Student(s) who attended SFTL the previous year to help spread the word. Provide them with the link to the applications to the website address to share with their friends and acquaintances.
- Extend your search for applicants to other leaders at all your area high schools. Seek out the Band Director, Athletic Coaches, and Club Advisors.
- Clubs should also promote through other organizations such as Scouting, Churches, Junior Achievement, National Honor Society, and Community Athletic Programs.
- Submit a Press Release to local newspapers, school newspapers, radio stations, and TV providers.
- Have a Rotarian go on the local radio and TV to promote SFTL.
- Share the SFTL promotional flyers through email and ask permission to post the flyers in the school(s) and around your community where youth and parents will see them.