Howdy Rotary D7680 Family!
What a fantastic time to be in Rotary! July marks the beginning of a new Rotary year and highlights many activities like new club officers being installed throughout our district, as well as club and district leaders setting new goals for the year. It also reaffirms our continuous commitment to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves building on the efforts of iPDG Kam Chandan and all of our club and district leaders.
Rotary’s new International President, Gordon McInally, has cast the vision with the theme to Create Hope in the World encouraging us to take action with activities that build a positive sense of hope. Our district theme for the year is, “Go Rotary!” and I have set some personal goals for this Rotary year.
1. Go Rotary and DARE: RI President Gordon McInally asks us to come together to reduce the stigma of mental health. Who hasn’t felt the impact of mental health? We all have stories that connect our souls. More and more people are facing mental health issues, yet seeking help is often viewed as a sign of vulnerability or weakness. DARE to create new opportunities in your clubs and through your projects for conversations that destigmatize mental health and flip the script from vulnerable to courageous.
2. Go Rotary and SHARE: Continue our legacy of giving to The Rotary Foundation by sharing our monetary donations. Inspire Rotary members to be ambassadors of Rotary with new tools to SHARE Rotary stories across all channels of communication and increase our public image and awareness.
3. Go Rotary and CARE: Emphasize a culture that CARES and creates a sense of belonging for all of our members. Strengthen our clubs by expanding our membership footprint while deepening the connections and friendships that provide the foundation for all that we do through service. I hope we serve with a zest for life and care for all human beings allowing Rotary to ignite energy that is refreshing and fulfilling. Go Rotary and Grow Rotary!
Thank you all for helping to Create Hope in the World!
DG Debb

Go Rotary and DARE
Mental Health Matters
Our NEW initiative expands our efforts to prioritize mental health. Are you scratching your head wondering how you will support mental health efforts? Here is a place you can start…
- Browse the Mental Health Action Group website
- Read RI President Gordon’s detailed initiative (link to the right)
- Host a club meeting with the Looking Inward Toolkit. Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the outline and slides
My goal is that our district will start a chapter of Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group to help streamline access to resources and support. Do you want to serve on the District Committee for Mental Health? Rotarian and Psychologist, Romy Cawood, is our district liaison for mental health. Respond to this email and you will be connected to her.
Go Rotary and CARE

The assistant governors are the primary source who will help club leaders “Go Rotary!” They are largely responsible for cultivating regional camaraderie between clubs. A rising tide strengthens all ships! As we strive to strengthen clubs, our collective members, efforts, and ideas can weave together to enrich engagement, learning, and impact. Join me in recognizing and thanking the Assistant Governors for their commitment to lead and serve in our district!
Go Rotary and SHARE
A NEW tool is available to all clubs and members of Rotary District 7680! As a gift to all, DG Debb is sharing Ignite, an engagement tool that will simplify doing Rotary and save you time!

Get started with the new IGNITE app! All club board members have received via email an invitation and link to book an intro call. Book ASAP!
Go Rotary and SHARE
The Rotary Foundation Newsletter 
In the Chair of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (and Rotary International Past President) Barry Rassin’s July 2023 Newsletter, Barry says that in the last five years, The Rotary Foundation has helped 100 million beneficiaries, but the need is great. This year, the Rotary Foundation Trustees have set an ambitious goal giving of $500 million in grants. To make this happen, he says that we need all of us — each and every Rotarian and Rotaractor. Barry says that we can all give something. That’s why he is asking each of us to set a goal to give what we can to The Rotary Foundation this year. He says that we are part of an audacious organization, one that dreams big and makes our dreams a reality. He is urging us to think bigger and different this year, so we can meet our goal for those whose lives we will soon touch. ……
Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends of Rotary,
I love Rotary for many reasons, perhaps most of all for the impact we make when we work together. There is really no other group like us.
In the last five years, The Rotary Foundation has helped 100 million beneficiaries. That is staggering.
But the need is great. There are countless more we could be reaching out and supporting right now if we had the resources. We could reach twice as many in the next five years. And your fellow Rotaractors and Rotarians are ready to help. They’re hungry for more grants to help more people who need us.
That’s why, this year, The Rotary Foundation Trustees have set an ambitious goal of giving $500 million, our highest ever.
This breaks down to $150 million for the Annual Fund to help fund grants and $50 million for polio eradication, to be matched 2 to 1 by $100 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. For the Endowment Fund and our future, we are targeting $60 million in outright giving and $80 million in commitments, totaling $140 million. And we want to collect $60 million in other contributions, such as direct giving, cash for global grants, and Disaster Response Fund donations.
To make this happen, we need all of you — each and every Rotarian and Rotaractor.
Did you know that over 80 percent of Rotary members make no contributions to PolioPlus, or that over 60 percent make no donation at all to The Rotary Foundation? For an organization of 1.4 million members, that means that nearly 1 million of us are not contributing each year.
Imagine the tremendous difference it would make if each of those 1 million could contribute just $25 a year. That would be $25 million we wouldn’t need to raise from our best donors.
We can all give something. That’s why I am asking each of you to set a goal to give what you can to The Rotary Foundation this year.
Never have we set such an audacious goal, but I believe that you, who make up Rotary, always respond to a challenge, especially when you see the difference we can make with those funds. We are part of an audacious organization, one that dreams big and makes our dreams a reality.
Let’s think bigger and different this year, so we can meet our goal and do more to Create Hope in the World. In this way, we will make the Rotary year ahead an unforgettable one, not just for ourselves, but most importantly, for those whose lives we will soon touch.
Rotary Foundation trustee chair

Go Rotary and CARE
A NEW survey is available for all members to SHARE their voices! I DARE you to take a couple of minutes to CARE and SHARE. Your ideas and opinions are important and help shape the future of our district. Thank you for completing the survey; click here: [

The Rotary theme for July has traditionally been about new leadership. In 2023, we have a NEW July theme, Maternal and Child Health. Take a look at some of the ways our clubs are prioritizing Maternal and Child Health…

Go Rotary and CARE
The neighboring Rotary club from District 7670 is making an impact with mothers and new babies…
Denver Rotary helps mothers in developing countries have safer births

August is Membership month. Please send a story that focuses on membership development for inclusion in the August newsletter. Send your article to Jenny Kendrick at [email protected] by the last Thursday in July.

September 23: Regional Membership Summit. Look for upcoming details for times and places across the district convenient to your proximity. You will get to choose where you want to attend training on September 23. We CARE about your time! More time for training, learning, and connecting; less time commuting!
October 7: District Community Service and Social
November 18: District 7680 Foundation Banquet
December 9: District Social: Go Rotary! at the theater. The inaugural holiday production of Need a Little Christmas in Charlotte. Rotary group tickets are available for matinee and night performances. NeedALittleChristmas.com
January: Mid-Year Assembly
February 23-24: Go Rotary! Weekend of service. Plan a local project or activity and share the Rotary experience. Go Rotary!
April 19-21: Go Rotary! District Conference, Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC.

Hashtags allow your stories ease of visibility by others. Please use the following hashtags across all social media channels:
#gorotary7680– so the district team can readily access your social media stories and repost them on the district channels
#createhopeintheworld– so the world can get a glimpse of what we are doing in Rotary District 7680
#leadwithheart (or any other GENERAL hashtag that would appeal to future Rotary members)- so like-minded people can learn about the GOOD our Rotary clubs are doing in the community and around the world
Submit Articles
To submit articles to the District Newsletter, please send to Jenny Kendrick at [email protected] by the last Thursday of the month.
Dear Rotary Family and Friends,
Today is July 1st! I extend greetings and a heartfelt welcome to a new Rotary year! In other words, “Howdy y’all!” I am filled with immense joy and gratitude to begin serving as your District Governor today. Rotary International President, Gordon McInally, unites our focus to Create Hope in the World on the heels of a banner year with Past Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones. When our dreams guide our steps, we walk with a hope that ignites action.
We are People of Action!
As we bridge a year of imagining Rotary with Creating Hope in the World, I want to thank our immediate Past District Governor Kam Chandan, his leadership team, and all the 2022-23 presidents for leading us through an amazing year of service and fellowship.
As we embark on this new year, let us remember that each action, no matter how small, has the potential to ignite a spark of hope and transform lives. Together, we get to affect positive change, inspiring hope in the hearts of individuals, families, and communities, both locally and around the world.
I invite each one of you to embrace your Rotary journey and carry the spirit of hope in your heart. DARE to stretch your ideas, launch new projects, expand your membership footprints, and grow your clubs. SHARE your time, talent, treasures, and stories. Sharing stories is the glue for building relationships. Sharing our talent and treasures is the fuel that fills our ability to take action through amazing projects that create lasting change. Finally, CARE about people and lead with your hearts. Listen well and generously care about each other; equally caring about those we serve. Together, we are the dream team and can create a world where hope shines brightly and where the collective strength of our Rotary family leads the way.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to Rotary and for joining hands to Create Hope in the World. I am honored to serve as your District Governor, and I am excited about the incredible possibilities that lie ahead. Go Rotary!
Debb Corbett
District Governor, Rotary District 7680