Howdy Fellow Rotarians,


Here’s an easy 5 step process to think about membership growth, with a few ideas for each. These would be ideal topics for a Club Assembly.
It’s easier to grow when we remember we might change someone’s life with a simple invitation.
STEP 1 – Know your Who and Why.
– What are your GIVEN characteristics? E.g. lunch, traditional, young, satellite, large, etc.
– What are your CHOSEN characteristics? E.g. support mostly kids, hands on, international, signature project, etc.
– What are your CORE VALUES? Connectedness, fun, community involvement, service, etc.
– What are you really trying to accomplish in the community?
– What are your real goals? (It may not be membership growth) – Service? Raise community profile? Stay the same? Attract like-minded people?
STEP 2 – Identifying New Members
– Discuss who you’d like to add. It may be by profession or personal characteristics. Email me at [email protected] for a 15 minute club exercise.
– Keep ‘what’s in it for them’ top of mind to make it easier to invite people – Relationships, Service, Growth & Learning.
– When a CULTURE OF INVITING is normal, clubs grow. When it’s not, they shrink. It’s not complicated.
STEP 3 – Attracting New Members
– Invite guests to service projects and social events.
– Host a Discover Rotary event where the focus is on guests and learning about Rotary and your club.
– Consider a new format or satellite club, if your club is not convenient for your guests.
– Consider new membership types, such as Corporate and Family.
STEP 4 – Onboarding
– Create an Onboarding Chair position, to work with newly pinned members in their first year.
– Create an Onboarding checklist, with what we ask of them, and what they ask of us. Email me at [email protected] for a copy.
STEP 5 – Member Care and Engagement
– We join and stay where we feel we belong. A “good fit” feels right. Be intentional about creating that.
– Create a Member Care Team to contact members who miss __ meetings. Because we’re busy, we sometimes have to formalize caring, sad as that sounds.
– Elevate your club experience – more diverse speakers, better organized meetings, and making your club irresistible!
– More meaningful service projects – a primary reason people join and stay in Rotary.
Work on one Step at a time, and find members with a passion for each. Let’s Get Growing!

District 7680 Newsletter
Romy Cawood, PhD
Charlotte Dilworth Southend Rotary Club
Greetings to all from our District’s newsletter’s first announcement about the new Mental Health Initiative. Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally has announced that Mental Health is one of three areas he would like to focus on during his tenure. As such he has noted three related goals, which are to:
- Erase the stigma associated with caring about emotional well-being
- Raise awareness about mental health needs
- and Work to improve access to mental health services
In District 7680 we embrace this initiative with enthusiasm. Our District Governor Debbie Corbett is a mental health professional and has invited me, a fellow mental health professional and psychologist to assist her this year with our District’s focus on Mental Health. One of our goals is to educate our District’s members by inviting people engaged in work in the very broad field of mental health to address our clubs to educate us about mental health needs, including both the illness and wellness side of this topic. The more we learn about mental health, the better positioned our District will be to imagine and create projects aimed to support it.
What you can do now to support Mental Health:
Start a conversation in your club at an upcoming meeting about what Good Mental Health looks like to your membership.
Reach out to leaders in your club’s communities to find out what they rank as the top Mental Health needs within your community.

Public Image Folks-
My name is Chris Justice and I am the Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator for Zone 33 representing Districts 7670, 7680, and 7690. It has been brought to my attention that many of you may not know about the Zones 33/34 Public Image Citations available to clubs and districts. I wanted to reach out directly to clubs and district folks to give you a very quick overview of the offerings. While you all are free to contact me with your Public Image questions, I want to point out that all of our Districts have District Public Image Chairs and that is your primary club level contact. Zones 33/34 offer regular monthly calls that provide clubs and districts with all sorts of very valuable public image specific content. I would encourage all of you to attend those meetings. I will not make it a habit to contact clubs directly as I know you get enough email. I will be in communication with your District leadership, specifically your District Public Image Chair.
Some quick bullets for you-
* https://elevaterotary.org/# is your one stop link for all things Zones 33/34 Public Image. You will find the actions steps for the citations and all of our Public Image specific calendar items.
* Citations-The citation program is new for Zone 33 and is taking a while to communicate. When you go to https://elevaterotary.org/#, go to the “Recognition” tab. The tiles in the middle of the screen give you your monthly action steps. Click each one. From the tile link, you will get specifics and be able to log your progress. The deadline to complete July-September is November 15th so get those logged by Wednesday. You can still earn certain levels of recognition if you miss the deadline but will not achieve Platinum. If you have trouble navigating, please let me or your District PI Chair know.
We are seeing some AMAZING progress this year by clubs and districts alike. Many of you are making your clubs and districts much more visible!!!
My cell is 336-580-6626 and email is [email protected]. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.


Remember the sense of discovery, excitement, and community you experienced in Melbourne? The new relationships you developed? The project ideas exchanged? Those opportunities and more are all awaiting you again at the 2024 Rotary International Convention in Singapore!
From 25-29 May, you’ll connect with old friends, forge new bonds, learn fresh ways to create impact and join us in Sharing Hope With the World.
Tell your club members about your awe-inspiring experience at the last Rotary convention and encourage them to join you at the biggest Rotary event of 2024.
Register now for savings. But don’t wait! This discounted rate expires 15 December 2023.
Sign Up Here.

On Friday we tied 36 sold, colorful children’s blankets for kids who have to stay at the Canter of Hope in Charlotte. They provide some comfort in a difficult time of transition. Our club delivered them the next day and served lunch to many of the over 200 women and children to receive services there. It was a heart warming afternoon and an opportunity to interact with recipients in need at an organization we support this year.

December 9: District Social: Go Rotary! at the theater. The inaugural holiday production of Need a Little Christmas in Charlotte. Rotary group tickets are available for matinee and night performances. NeedALittleChristmas.com
January: Mid-Year Assembly
February 23-24: Go Rotary! Weekend of service. Plan a local project or activity and share the Rotary experience. Go Rotary!
April 19-21: Go Rotary! District Conference, Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC.