Baseball, Hot Dogs, Family Fun, and Socks?!
Yes! It’s summertime and a great time to bring the family to a Knights baseball game. June 18 is Go Rotary! Night and we will have a picnic buffet one hour before game time and the first hour during the game. Tickets for both the picnic and the game are only $39 per person and must be purchased from DacDb. We only have 100 tickets at this below retail price so get your tickets ASAP! Did you know the Knights are a White Sox affiliate team? In honor of their Sox connection, we are collecting socks to be distributed to people in need. There will be collection boxes at the stadium identified with Rotary branding. District Governor Debb will kick off the evening by singing the national anthem! Bring your family, wear your Go Rotary! shirts or any Rotary swag, and join Rotary friends. Let’s have some FUN!

One of the major benefits of Rotary is relationships with high quality people. We may join for service, but we often stay for the friendships, connections, support and enjoyment. And of course, these relationships are with people who recite the Four Way Test each week.
District Governor Debb Corbett has asked us to put a lot of emphasis on ‘member care’ throughout this Rotary year, especially within our own clubs. We are a caring organization almost by definition, but we are also busy people. So, we sometimes have to be intentional about our caring. Caring is a series of deliberate acts. Not complex or time consuming; just deliberate.
So DG Debb and I ask you to take 30 minutes this week to reach out to 2 or 3 Rotary friends, letting them know you were thinking about them. Do this especially if it’s been a while since you saw them. It is surprising how powerful a small caring act can be. And there is no better time than before the end of the Rotary year.
Mike Walker
District Membership Chair

District 7680 Newsletter
Romy Cawood, PhD
Charlotte Dilworth Southend Rotary Club
Healing from Trauma
Americans’ understanding of trauma has grown over time and with the pandemic our understanding has developed a few steps more. But there is so much to know about trauma, some of which is counter-intuitive.
When people think about the term trauma, they often think about big or obviously frightening experiences, but experiences that may appear inconsequential to some people can cause trauma. A helpful definition of trauma is: experiencing a threatening situation that overwhelms a person’s coping resources. A threatening experience on its own does not necessarily lead to trauma.
A traumatic experience can look many different ways. It could involve a single episode, like a car accident, or could involve a series of situations, like a history of childhood neglect. It could occur at any age. It could be relational, or non-relational. But no matter what the particulars, or how disturbing the symptoms are, there are several key elements to the process of healing.
The first is understanding why the post-traumatic symptoms are there. In my practice, I have found that providing information about what is happening in the brain and body is very helpful to people dealing with trauma, and sometimes this alone helps reduce their distress. Another is to develop more flexibility in accessing traumatic material, both bringing it out and setting it aside. Developing this skill helps restore a sense of control. Another key tool is to have a reliable practice to ground the self in a calm state. Professional trauma treatment builds systematically on the brain and body’s natural abilities to heal.
If you or someone you know is living with unhealed trauma, here are some things to know:
- Post-traumatic symptoms are “normal,” in that they are indicative of an unhealed experience.
- Some people heal without professional help.
- Professional treatments for trauma often involve both the brain and the body, whether through dialogue, accessing memory, imagination, or through physical movement.
- Sleep is instrumental to healing from trauma. Getting good quality sleep is worth the effort!
- It is never too late to address an unhealed trauma.
For more resources on healing from trauma:
9 Signs We Are Healing From Trauma: A look at the most common ways survivors recognize healing and growth.
Resources on trauma and healing, including a guide inspired by ‘The Color Purple’
How to cope with traumatic stress
Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman, MD
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel A van der Kolk, MD
CART Rotary Jerseys
My club is selling Rotary jerseys as a fundraiser for CART. All proceeds go to CART!!
A limited number of these special jerseys are available. They are approved by RI for a one-time event and all proceeds will go to The CART Fund! Order yours today for $40 by completing this google form
Once you fill out the Google form, you will receive an invoice via PayPal and once you make your payment, the shirt(s) can be shipped out.

The June 15th deadline to apply is only 2 weeks away!
Did your club receive a District Grant this year (2023-24)?
Final project reports are also due by Saturday, June 15.
To: DG chain, AGs, Club President, President-Elect, President-Nominee, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Foundation Chair, & Service Chairs (w/ Rotaract), 2023-24 District Grant contacts & 2024 District Grant Training participants:
If your club plans to apply for a District Grant, please start entering your application in DACDB. At this time, we show 5 applications started. If you think your club has submitted a new grant application, please check that it is saved in DACDB. I know there are clubs who are still considering projects. Last year (2023-24), 25 clubs received District Grant funding for 39 projects, and we are confident that we can expect more great projects next year. If you encounter any questions or challenges, please feel free to reach out to me so we can get your applications and reports completed as smoothly as possible.
In 2024-25, we’ll have about $90K to award for District Grants. DGE Kevin has shared that Rotary is encouraging clubs to use evidence-based decision making to plan and evaluate projects. As you enter your application(s), please share why your club has selected the specific project(s) and describe your needs assessment, the expected impact of your project (how will it change lives and communities), and any ways you’ll evaluate the project’s success.
As you enter Final Reports for this year’s projects, please provide enough information so we can understand the project’s major activities and impact. Share photos and media stories we can use to celebrate you and your club. Remember that detailed receipts need to be uploaded. If you have questions, please ask.
At the end of this email, I’m including an updated list of clubs completing District Grants training and highlights of my 5/15 P-mail for easy reference:
– instructions for submitting a new grant application (for 2024-25)
– instructions for submitting a final report (for 2023-24) in DACDB
– reminders from district grant training & district grant review process
– club eligibility and funding guidelines (more info later in this email)*
*Now is a good time to check the Club Fundraising Analysis to seek how much your club may receive as a grant (based on your club’s giving to the Rotary Foundation Annual / SHARE funds in 2021-22) and on your club’s giving to the Rotary Foundation in 2023-24 (to reach $100 average per capita giving to Annual / SHARE to receive priority consideration for a new district grant). Scroll down in this email for more details and directions to this report.
Thank you for your service to your club, community, and to Rotary! I look forward to serving and supporting you and our clubs again this year as our D7680 District Grants Subcommittee Chair. If you have any questions, please call or email directly, or send an email to: [email protected].
PS Upcoming event reminder: Club Officer Training is June 8 (virtual, 9AM – 2:15PM, with 30-45 min sessions for Club president, secretary, treasurer, membership chair, foundation chair, public image chair, and youth service chair). Please share this opportunity with your club and register on DACDB.
Together in Rotary service, we continue to “Create Hope in the World” and share “The Magic of Rotary”.
Sharon Heinrich, D7680 District Grants Subcommittee Chair
Member, Rotary Club of Gastonia
Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: 704.860.7736
Clubs completing 2024 District Grant Training (therefore eligible to apply as a lead club for a 2024-25 grant):
Albemarle, Alleghany, Ashe County, Ballantyne, Boiling Springs, Cabarrus County, Charlotte, Charlotte Dilworth South End, Charlotte Intnat’l, Charlotte North, Charlotte Providence, Charlotte South, Charlotte South Park, Concord, Concord Afton Sunset, Davidson, Gastonia, Gastonia East, Greater Statesville, Harrisburg, Huntersville Happy Hour, Kings Mountain, Lake Norman Huntersville, Matthews, Meck South, Monroe Union Breakfast, Mooresville Lake Norman, Mount Holly, North Meck, North Wilkesboro, Queen City Impact, Rockingham, Rowan County, Salisbury, Shelby, Shelby Breakfast, Statesville 4th Creek, Taylorsville, Top of the Lake Mooresville, Troutman, Union West – Indian Trail, Wadesboro, Waxhaw-Weddington, West Stanly
Highlights from 5/15 Pmail (for reference):
To: Club President, President-Elect, President-Nominee, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Foundation Chair, & Service Chairs (w/ Rotaract), 2023-24 District Grant contacts & 2024 District Grant Training participants (cc: DG chain, AGs):
New applications (next 2024-25 grant cycle)
Review the “Grants Overview” sidebar tab for instructions. Assign your club’s signatures (at least 2). Go to Club Grant View tab to start an application. Save your work often. Some people prefer to create a separate offline document then copy-paste into DACDB. Others take screenshots or print after each session.
– Remember to change the “org year” to 2024-25 before you enter your club’s new grant application.
– Assign at least 2 club members as approved signatures (requires Level 4+ DACDB access)
– Clubs can apply for more than 1 grant project. Please enter a separate grant application for each project. Consider your club’s total eligible funding and clearly identify your priority / preferred projects.
– Consider project partnerships and collaboration with other Rotary clubs and organizations
– Save often. Exit your application periodically & re-enter to check that all data is being captured
– Submit signed MOU under Documentation or sign electronically using the new MOU tab (for President & President-Elect to sign for club)
– Be sure to send your application for two club signatures, then after it is signed, send it on to district review (each is a separate DACDB step)
– Projects can’t be started until they are approved.
– You cannot expend grant funds on your project until the grant application is approved (ie there is no retroactive reimbursement from grant funds)
– Grant fund distribution timing depends on timely final reports plus Rotary/TRF review & processing.
Final reports (current 2023-24 grant cycle)
To start entering a final report on a current grant project, go to that grant (in 2023-24 org year) and use the edit (pencil) icon beside the grant title.
– Tell your club’s Rotary story in your final report – significant activities, accomplishments, & impact
– Upload photos and any significant documents, eg announcements, news articles, social media posts, event programs) (use Documents tab)
– Share how Rotarians are “People of Action”, transforming their communities in your report & beyond (eg Rotary Showcase at MyRotary.org)
– Remember that the photos you submit will be used by the district for celebrating your club’s project
– Update your budget to reflect all income and expenses related to the project (use Budget tab)
. Submit itemized receipts (required) for all grant-related expenses with your final report (upload & label as receipts under the Documentation tab)
– Submit your report for club signatures and then on for district review (2 separate steps in DACDB)
– Final reports for your club must be completed & approved before a new grant is considered/funded
– If final reports are outstanding, it can delay our district being approved & receiving funds from RI.
District Grant Review process 2024-25
The District Grants Subcommittee will use a 2-phase review process again this year.
– First, we will review proposed grant applications and projects (late June / early July).
– Second, we will determine grant awards (July) and hope to notify clubs by the end of July.
Reminders from District Grant Training
– Slides & recording are under Grants Overview, along with instructions and links to references
– Clubs can partner to apply for district grants. Their collective giving history will be considered and the lead club should have completed training.
– At least 1 club member must have completed district grant training 2024 (required annually). Clubs recorded as having completed training (based on sign-in) appears at the end of email.
– ALL clubs are eligible to apply for district grant(s) IF: they are in good standing with Rotary International, have at least 1 member complete district grant training, sign & upload RI MOU (Memorandum of Understanding / Agreement), and abide by Rotary International “Terms & Conditions” for district grants. These documents and resources are found under Grants Overview or District Files – Secure Files – District Grants.
– Clubs who reach $100+ per-member average per-capita giving in 2023-24 (as of June 30) to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Annual SHARE Fund receive priority consideration for district grants. Clubs who do not meet this level can still apply for grants, understanding funds are limited. Please work with your club treasurer so all club & member contributions are submitted in time to be counted during the appropriate Rotary year.*
– Eligible clubs with eligible projects may receive 25% of their Rotary Foundation (TRF) Annual SHARE Fund giving* from 3 years prior (2021-22). This is a general starting guideline for grant awards. Some clubs apply for more than 25% if they have an exceptional or special project or if requests are less than available funds (note that in most years, grant requests exceed available funding). Go to “Club Fundraising Analysis” to find your club’s recent giving history for this purpose.
Find your Club Fundraising Analysis at MyRotary.org (requires sign-in) – Rotary Foundation – Contributions & Recognitions – Club Giving (click on view reports) – Club Fundraising Analysis. On my phone, I reached it under the “Membership & Foundation Reports” box on left hand side of my personal page.
* For some clubs, contributions to TRF Annual / SHARE Fund as shown in the Club Fundraising Analysis (CFA) may vary from the club’s SHARE Contribution Report. In these cases, we will use Club Fundraising Analysis as a basis for grant decisions.
Thank you for your service to your club, communities, and the world as you “Create Hope in the World” and share the “Magic of Rotary”.
Sharon Heinrich
D7680 District Grants Subcommittee Chair
[email protected]
Member, Rotary Club of Gastonia
Personal email [email protected]
Personal cell phone (704) 860-7736

Zone 33 RPIC Billi Black and I are thrilled to extend heartfelt congratulations to all the clubs who earned the Zone 33/34 Public Image Citation this year! Your dedication to showcasing the incredible work of Rotary has not gone unnoticed. Click here to view a list of Rotary and Rotaract clubs that earned the award. These clubs can download their certificate here.
The Public Image Citation is evolving! Moving forward, it will be known as the Excellence in Public Image Coordination (EPIC) Award. This name reflects the ongoing commitment and coordination required for successful public image efforts.
Get Started on the EPIC Award Journey!
The first three monthly tasks for the EPIC Award are now open so your club public image team can get a jumpstart on preparing for a successful 2024-25 Rotary year. Visit elevaterotaryzones3334.org to find detailed information on all of the monthly tasks along with resources to help your club succeed.
New to public image? Click here for a toolkit to help get you started.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Zones 33/34 Public Image Team.
Congratulations again to all the award winners!
Susan Courter
2023-26 Zone 34 Public Image Coordinator
Rotary International

June 29: District Leadership Installation