Hurricane Helene affected parts of District 7680 and our western North Carolina neighbors in devastating ways.  Thirty-nine counties in NC have been designated as Federal Disaster areas and 6 of our District’s 14 counties are included in this designation

Rotarians are ready to assist.

If you are in an affected area, your first step should be to contact your club and district leadership for immediate action.

Those outside affected areas can help by donating funds.  Together, we make a difference.

How to Help Those Affected By Hurricane Helene*

As it relates to the aftermath of TS Helene, many of you have reached out, asking how you can help.  Right now, and for the foreseeable future, the need will be for cash to cope with the massive cleanup efforts which will take time.  If you want to help, the best action is to donate to District 7680.  Please follow the instructions below:

If you wish donations to go to western North Carolina counties most seriously impacted by Helene, please indicate this in the memo section of your check or in the portion of your credit card donation that says, “Transaction Description”.  In both cases, saying “Western NC -TS Helene” will ensure it is directed to the most impacted portions of our District 7680 and our sister District, 7670. If you don’t care where the money goes, leave the memo/transaction description sections blank.

The $50,000 challenge is still in effect and District 7680 will match every dollar donated in that challenge for a total of $100,000.  We know that money will be used for mid-term and long-term needs in our two districts. 

 Here is where/how you can make a directed donation on the Zone platform:  Disaster Recovery | RI Zones 33/34 (

Rotary International District 7680
P.O. Box 79132
Charlotte, NC 28271


*Funds already donated to the previously mentioned DAF will be transferred out and applied to the $50,000 goal for clubs and individuals.


How Can I Apply for a DAF Grant?

More information coming soon.