Rotarians, Rotary Clubs throughout the 14 counties of Rotary District 7680 (Facebook page) are excited to celebrate World Polio Day on October 24, 2021. The goal of this day is to raise awareness about this crippling disease that affects mostly children. Due to the efforts of Rotary International and its partners in the global vaccination program, Polio is close to becoming the second disease in history to be eradicated from the world. In fact, Polio exists today in just TWO countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
To help spread the word, raise some donations, and have some fun, Rotary District 7680 Governor Nico Iannelli and fellow Rotarians will take a pie in the face for Polio.
How it works:
Option #1: You take a pie in the face for Polio and you FILM it on your phone and put it on your social media channels! You nominate TWO friends to do the same (representing the TWO countries still dealing with Polio). You encourage others to learn about this disease and to consider making a donation here. All donations are matched 2-1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!
Option #2: Governor’s Challenge: You make a minimum donation of $100 here to challenge the Governor and he will take a pie in the face for Polio on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the PolioPlus Event hosted by Tom & Paula Smith. Video and pictures will be taken and posted on our social media channels! You nominate TWO friends to do the same (representing the TWO countries still dealing with Polio). All donations are matched 2-1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!
Be sure to include this link, , in your post and to TAG Rotary7680 and your nominees! Have fun getting Pie-Faced for Polio! Be sure to follow us on Facebook to see more people getting Pie-Faced for Polio!