Check out this webinar on visual storytelling.
Alyce Henson has taken some incredible photos, many of which are used on the Rotary International website and are available for sharing in the Brand Center.
A huge thanks to the Zone 34 Public Image Team in for sharing how to tell your club’s story through images.
The Zone 33/34 PI/PR website has many fun and informative videos and documents to help our PI/PR Chairs do their jobs. Each month, I will include a few of my favorites for your perusal.
One of the first helpful videos deals with our Rotary brand and how to use it properly. It is called Check Yo’Self.
Here are three Rotary International Branding Guides to help you use Rotary’s branding properly. Click on the image to download the files.
Smart Phone Photos That Don’t Suck
This video gives wonderful tips on how to take better photos for your social media sites.
This video gives wonderful tips on how to best tell your club’s Rotary story, whether it is something your club is doing, highlighting a member, why you became a Rotarian, etc. Anything you want to convey can be communicated in a story.