The Senior Center of Alleghany County serves daily lunches. For some seniors, this meal is their only meal of the day. During the winter, many seniors cannot get into town to take advantage of this program. Karon Edwards, Director of the Council on Aging, states, “We use shelf-stable meals (5 meals to a box) for some of the outermost sections of our county that we cannot get to on our regular, daily meal route. We also provide these boxes of meals during inclement weather when we cannot deliver a hot meal.” Volunteers like Tom Smith (pictured here) deliver meals to these senior citizens.
The Alleghany Rotary Club sold Port-o-Pit chicken dinners recently and raised money for 80 boxes of “shelf-stable” meals.
They also applied for a grant from the Rotary District which spans from Mecklenburg to Alleghany counties to share the expense, and the final amount of the purchase came from the Senior Center budget. Edwards goes on to say, “We are so appreciative of our local Rotary for helping us to provide these boxes to homebound seniors in our community. Due to the Covid pandemic, we have not been able to fundraise or have our annual pancake breakfast. The Alleghany Rotary and District Rotary Club grants have helped us when we needed it most!”
For more about our local Rotary club, talk to president Steve Buteau at (401) 824-9190. We meet once a month and have monthly service projects while hanging out with nice people like you.