By Robert Kirk, President, Cabarrus Club
For those of you who may have missed the “find your inner child” service project today during our club, let me say, I have rarely seen so much intensity of focus while coloring a picture! Each member was given a page to color, then asked to place her/his name and age at the top of the masterpiece, share a get well wish, and turn it in. Yep, fun, laughter, and camaraderie – that would be us!
The finished product of a zip-lock bag with a coloring book, box of 24 crayons sporting the Rotary gold foil seal, and wishes for getting well – all were delivered to the Jeff Gordon Children’s Hospital Pediatric Pavilion.
Once again, “service above self” with a healthy dose of fun thrown in for us, hope, and encouragement for the 28 kids under sterling healthcare providers in the hospital. Grateful we have such a wonderful medical community in which to live.
Yeah, a rich time coupled with an amazing program from an Appalachian Trail Through-Hiker, Bo White (Trail Name: BBQ). Love the spirit captured by this life-changing adventure. Well done, Darci and Jay White – much to be proud of.