Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust (CART)

The CART Fund is dedicated to raising funds to provide “seed” money for cutting-edge, high-impact research in hopes of finding prevention and ultimately a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. CART is a Rotary-initiated project that illustrates the amazing power of the Rotary Brand. By providing grants to researchers in the early and conceptual stages of a line of research, CART enables its grant recipients to explore approaches to arresting or curing Alzheimer’s Disease that may be outside the mainstream ideas being pursued by big pharmaceutical companies. When one of these studies shows promise, it’s not unusual for a $100,000 CART grant recipient to attract an additional grant of a quarter or half-million dollars from a larger foundation or perhaps a pharmaceutical company. So, once again, our dollars are multiplied by those with deeper pockets.

Like many things in Rotary, this is NOT something someone in Evanston thought up one day. In fact, it’s not an official Rotary International project at all – it gets no support from The Rotary Foundation. Rather, it’s just a great example of how things work in Rotary. Someone sees a need, has an idea for how to address it, and engages the Rotary network to make it happen. The pocket change of Rotarians and, yes, some serious folding money and checks have resulted in 29 grants awarded since 1995, totaling $5.2 Million. 

 CART logo


District Contact

David Post, District CART Chair 

7 + 14 =

How To Donate

Set up your Club or individual profile on