One of the most urgent needs for communities impacted by TS Helene is cash.
Click here for information of how to directly support Districts 7680 and 7670 by contributing to the Donor Advised Fund.
Other options are as follows:
- Sheila Crunkleton, a member of the Monroe Rotary Club, and an executive with the American Red Cross, was on-site in western NC in her Red Cross capacity. Her counsel for those who want to donate supplies is to make sure there is space for whatever you wish to send. They have a lot of supplies, like water, that have yet to be distributed. However, they still need other items like infant formula. Please make sure there is space for whatever you send. DGE Alpo Portelli is coordinating logistics in District 7670.
- On Oct. 6th, on a Zoom call with DG Connie from 7670 and multiple Districts from Florida, it was said that equipment will be a main requests shortly for 7670. Shovels, wheelbarrows, cleaning supplies, etc. will be needed.
- In addition to the website, here are a few more resources for you to consider:
Hurricane Helene Response | North Carolina Red Cross
Hurricane Helene: Rumor Response | FEMA.gov
Resources for Hurricane Helene – National Association of Social Workers NC Chapter (naswnc.org)
Tax relief in disaster situations | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)
- This article from Axios Charlotte is a great resource of information:
How to support western N.C. communities devastated by Helene – Axios Charlotte.