Rotarians, Rotary Clubs throughout the 14 counties of Rotary District 7680 are excited to celebrate World Polio Day on October 24, 2021. The goal of this day is to raise awareness about this crippling disease that affects mostly children. Due to the efforts of Rotary...
by Kevin Kendrick, Charlotte Dilworth South End An absolutely HUGE shoutout to the Waxhaw-Weddington Rotary Club and their Herculean support of our Rotary District 7680’s Project RUSH (Rotarians Unite to Stop Hunger). This 14-county effort by many clubs in our...
On Saturday, October 2, 1,500 volunteers spread out over the entire Catawba River participated in cleaning up the river. 120 volunteers were at Tailrace Marina and a huge thanks for the help from our 7 members: Dana, Kevin, Eric, John, Shari, Bob & Ineke.